Collection: Feather Japanese Razor Blades

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The Feather razor blades are the most popular replacement and disposable blades for professional hairdressers and barbers in Australia & New Zealand.

Whether you are using a Nape Razor, a Shaving Plier Razor, or a styling and texturizing SS club artist razor, you can get the highest quality Japanese Feather razor blades online!

The best Feather razor blades are available in Australia, including PB-20, Feather Standard Blades, Texturizing and Thinning blades, and the famous double-edge razor blades.

Browse our collection of the best razor blades from Japan including:

  • Feather Club SS Replacement Razor Blades
  • Feather Razor Replacement Razor Blades
  • Feather Shavette Razor Blades
  • Barber Razor Blades
  • Double Edge Hi-Stainless Razor Blades
  • Texturizing and Thinning blades for styling razors
  • Much More!

View our complete collection of the Feather Razor Brand here!

What makes Feather razor blades so special?

Professional hairdressers and barbers use Feather razor blades due to their high-quality steel, extreme sharpness, and trustworthy Japanese brand design.

Compared to cheaper blades made in China or Pakistan that become blunt after 1 or 2 uses, the Feather razors last twice or triple the uses.

Even though Feather razor blades may be more expensive than your typical choices, they may end up being the cheapest option available due to their longer sharpness life.

If you are looking to make a decision on whether or not to buy Feather razors in Australia, then know that it's the preferred choice by tens of thousands of professional barbers and hairdressers!

How long do Feather razor blades last?

As mentioned earlier, Feather razors often turn out to be the cheaper option due to their longer life.

Cheaper razors made from poor-quality steel become blunt faster. The difference can be with going through a cheap pack of razors in a day vs a pack of Feather in a week or a month.

Basic math can show you that the more expensive Feather razors save you more!

Feather razor blades last between 2 to 5 uses. This time varies depending on how thick and coarse the hair is, how much you use it, etc.

Feather razor blades are the best choice for barbers and hairdressers with styling razors! You can easily replace your shavette with a razor blade or a texturizing or thinning blade for your styling razor.